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The student news site of Portola High School

Portola Pilot

The student news site of Portola High School

Portola Pilot

Team member and sophomore Melody Bao, alternate and junior Sandy Shanmuga-Nathan, co-captain and junior Kayley Winata, co-captain and junior Suhrith Muvvala, team member and junior Rishabh Garg and advisor and physics teacher Leanne Jimenez pose with the JPL sign at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) after the competition. “[Science Bowl] is a really fun way to apply knowledge because you don’t get game-show style application of knowledge in school,” Muvvala said. “So it’s, one, for the fun, and, two, because I already have to study for Science Olympiad or Biology Olympiad.”
Science Bowl ‘Buzzes’ Into Fourth Place at Regional Competition
Jinseo Hong and Suhana Kaur | March 12, 2025
In celebration of Peanuts' 75th Anniversary, Knott's Berry Farm debuts the new musical “Let’s Celebrate!” on the Calico Mine Stage. The daytime show features singers, dancers, and the beloved Peanuts gang characters.
Knotts Berry farm Celebrates the 75th Birthday of Snoopy and the Gang
Annie Xiao, Staff Writer | February 28, 2025
Senior Ray Tong and special education student and junior Clark Bogosh collaborate on an art project during a Bulldog Crew meeting. “A lot of the activities that the board comes up with have been really well received, and all the students seem to really enjoy doing it,” extensive support needs education specialist Desiree De Santos-Shaffer said. “They really look at the whole picture of what they can do and what people are feeling, and art has been a really big part of what we do as well.”
Building Bridges: How The Bulldog Crew Unites Portola High
Senna Kahf and Dania Yamani | March 12, 2025
Gardening for Good member and junior Kate Shin and junior and co-president Chloe Shin plant succulents together, marking the creation of the club’s first garden. Through activities like these, the club has formed a close and connected atmosphere. “We really care about creating a really inclusive community where every single person in the club is super connected and really interested in gardening,” Chloe Shin said.
Gardening for Good Cultivates Community at Portola High
Kelly Yeh, Assistant News Editor | March 7, 2025
Woodbury Elementary Science Olympiad head coach and freshman Smriti Mishra poses with her Science Olympiad team after the Sierra Vista Invitational where the team placed fifth. “I was inspired by my sister who was a coach at Jeffrey Trail and at Woodbury as well,” Mishra said. “And then I became the coach at Woodbury, so I got inspired by looking up to my peers as well as looking at the older kids around me.”
Medal-Worthy Mentorship: Science Olympiad Students Train the Next Generation
Nina Krish, Sports Editor | March 6, 2025
Torpis decorates a ceramic piece. “Since they've used almost all of the glazes in the classroom, I make test tiles as well for the kids so they know what it looks like,” Torpis said. “I'll show them different pieces I've made or different test tiles I've made, so they can see it and feel it, and they understand what it looks like.”
Class Act: Student TAs Support Classrooms
Marianne Chan and Mary Lee | March 4, 2025
S5 Episode 6: Nostalgic Memories: Favorite Childhood Shows
S5 Episode 6: Nostalgic Memories: Favorite Childhood Shows
Stephanie Hwang, Co-News Editor | March 14, 2025

In this episode of the Portola Pioneer, host Stephanie Hwang explores the childhood shows of staff members and students at Portola High.   Music...

The arrival of the seasonal red patterned cups signifies the arrival of winter, with new designs released yearly. These cups exhibit holiday joy with their red, white and green embellishments that are sure to bring joy to any beverage lover.
Starbucks ‘Steeps’ Up the Holiday Spirit with their Seasonal Treats
Zoha Syed and Kayley Winata | November 21, 2024

S5 Episode 6: Nostalgic Memories: Favorite Childhood Shows
S5 Episode 6: Nostalgic Memories: Favorite Childhood Shows
Stephanie Hwang, Co-News Editor | March 14, 2025
DECA president Harini Rameshbabu receives her award for collective school-based enterprise. “It's definitely a different environment,” DECA member and freshman Nikita Kulkarni said. “Ms. Dillon usually gives us the guidance we need, but this time, a lot of students just showed up for each other. I think we did pretty solid, even though we missed her presence.”
DECA Students Step Up to State Conference by Leaning on Each Other
Catherine Li, Front Page Editor | March 13, 2025
Students often feel unheard in their school environment, but by taking the Panorama Survey seriously, they can make their voices count and drive meaningful change on campus.
Make Your Mark: Why the Panorama Survey Deserves Student Attention
Alice Ahn and Kelly Yeh | March 17, 2025
Students need to learn a second language in order to reap the positive effects people gain from language learning such as an improved level of cultural awareness and a boost in one’s brain reserves.
More Than Just a Requirement: Why Multilingualism Matters
Nora Aljazzar, Staff Writer | March 10, 2025
Americans are set to purchase about 75 million pounds of chocolate on Valentine's Day 2025, according to Tasting Table. This Valentine’s Day, lovers should opt for a thoughtful and personal way to express their affection rather than relying on pricey, mass-produced gifts.
Don’t Let Cupid Drain Your Wallet This Valentine’s Day, Opt For Meaningful Gifts Instead
Sonia Wang and Aditi Salunkhe | February 14, 2025
Science rolling chairs negatively affect student learning by creating distractions, according to chemistry student and sophomore Sayed Adil. “Every time I get up and sit down, it moves around,” Adil said. “It's distracting in class whenever we're finished with [a] test. Some people just fidget around with it and make some noises.”
‘Rolling’ into Frustration: Science Classrooms Should Replace Rolling Chairs
Sonia Wang and Senna Kahf | November 18, 2024
Senior Sanaa Bullock talks strategy on the field with Flag Football coach Julie Primero. Bullock helps the team run more efficiently and keeps spirits up, according to Primero. “[She takes] care of things so that we [can] really focus on practice, getting better, prepping for games, stuff like that,” Primero said. “If they see something that needs to be taken care of, they do it without asking me so that I can focus on coaching. I think it carries over to being an organized leader.”
Team Managers: The Backbone of Team Sports
Kailyn Clark and Zoha Syed | March 13, 2025
As tension continues to grow, the Bulldogs exchange a few words of encouragement. “During the game we tried to stay together and help each other try to win,” Rockwell said. “I learned that no team is ever out of the fight. Never let up even when winning the game. [You] never know who will do something that will flip the game upside down.”
Baseball Faces Tough Match Against Laguna Hills High
Nicole Ferguson and Tamara Bradley | March 13, 2025
March 2025: Volume 9 Issue 5
March 2025: Volume 9 Issue 5


January 2025: Volume 9 Issue 4
January 2025: Volume 9 Issue 4


December 2024: Volume 9 Issue 3
December 2024: Volume 9 Issue 3


November 2024: Volume 9 Issue 2
November 2024: Volume 9 Issue 2


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The student news site of Portola High School