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Portola Pilot

The student news site of Portola High School

Portola Pilot

The student news site of Portola High School

Portola Pilot

Math teacher Rachel Schneble, Youth Advisory Council member and sophomore Addi Arredondo and parent Sarah Chen discuss Portola High’s assessment process as part of the self-study process used for accreditation. “I'm proud to have my voice heard and be able to speak for other students that want problems addressed and faced,” Arredondo said.
Youth Advisory Council Helps With Accreditation Efforts
Sonia Wang | January 31, 2025
Hoag’s expanded campus will be a blend of relaxing open-air spaces and state-of-the-art amenities, with eleven operating rooms, 155 inpatient beds and 120,000 square feet of ambulatory space, according to Hoag. “I think it’s really important because the community is expanding,” junior Sarrrinah Inamdar said. “[T]he expansion of more surgical units, and especially the cancer institutions, are also very important for the growing population.”
Meeting Community Needs: Hoag Expands Campus in Irvine
Suhana Kaur, Staff Writer | January 24, 2025
Math teacher Melanie Clarke tapes up coloring sheets on her classroom walls, adding personal touches that make students feel like integral members of her learning community. “It’s a decision that I have to make,” Clarke said. “I ask myself, ‘What do I want my classroom environment to feel like?’ It’s just my personality to want to hear from the students and make sure they’re connecting with each other.”
With Triple the Credentials, Math Teacher Melanie Clarke Builds Triple the Community
Alice Ahn, A&E Editor | February 5, 2025
New Link Crew advisors, Spanish teacher Emily Czaja and math teacher Jessica Torres, stand together as they prepare to guide and support incoming students in the upcoming school year.
New Link Crew Advisors Jessica Torres and Emily Czaja Bring Fresh Leadership and Support to Incoming Students
Olivia Ganes, Assistant Sports Editor | January 29, 2025
Pohle helps a student understand a calculus lesson during office hours. To help strengthen her relationships with her students, Pohle incorporates elements of her classroom in Madrid into Portola High. “It was cool to see how teachers run classes there because it's just very different,” Pohle said. “I feel like we're just so pressed for time especially in a high school environment. A big focus in Spain itself is connections with people, so everyone is just so friendly and nice.”
From Madrid to Math: How Teaching Abroad Shaped Math Teacher Evelyn Pohle’s Classroom
Dania Yamani, Staff Writer | January 24, 2025
Junior and dual-enrolled student Claire Hsin is able to work on her IVC assignments on her own time, “I could finish my assignments whenever I wanted since they are posted ahead of time,” Hsin said.
Dual Enrollment: Double the Classes, Double the Opportunity
Sruti Allani and Olivia Ganes | January 14, 2025
The arrival of the seasonal red patterned cups signifies the arrival of winter, with new designs released yearly. These cups exhibit holiday joy with their red, white and green embellishments that are sure to bring joy to any beverage lover.
Starbucks ‘Steeps’ Up the Holiday Spirit with their Seasonal Treats
Zoha Syed and Kayley Winata | November 21, 2024

Link Crew leaders and juniors Chloe Urianton, Sarrinah Inamdar, Saanvi Gangireddy, Chloe Grace Chen, Kenneth Althaqeb and Chloe Im host a Halloween costume party for freshmen. “Among assignments and tests, school has been a lot during junior year,” Urianton said. “I thought Halloween would be a good break amidst all these academic activities. Besides, I wanted to give an impression on the freshmen that high school isn't all just about academics, but also a way to connect with people and find joy through interacting with the community.”
‘Spirits’ Are High With Bulldogs’ Boo-tiful Halloween Costumes
Tamara Bradley and Catherine Li | November 8, 2024

Math teacher Melanie Clarke tapes up coloring sheets on her classroom walls, adding personal touches that make students feel like integral members of her learning community. “It’s a decision that I have to make,” Clarke said. “I ask myself, ‘What do I want my classroom environment to feel like?’ It’s just my personality to want to hear from the students and make sure they’re connecting with each other.”
With Triple the Credentials, Math Teacher Melanie Clarke Builds Triple the Community
Alice Ahn, A&E Editor | February 5, 2025
New Link Crew advisors, Spanish teacher Emily Czaja and math teacher Jessica Torres, stand together as they prepare to guide and support incoming students in the upcoming school year.
New Link Crew Advisors Jessica Torres and Emily Czaja Bring Fresh Leadership and Support to Incoming Students
Olivia Ganes, Assistant Sports Editor | January 29, 2025
Americans are set to purchase about 75 million pounds of chocolate on Valentine's Day 2025, according to Tasting Table. This Valentine’s Day, lovers should opt for a thoughtful and personal way to express their affection rather than relying on pricey, mass-produced gifts.
Don’t Let Cupid Drain Your Wallet This Valentine’s Day, Opt For Meaningful Gifts Instead
Sonia Wang and Aditi Salunkhe | February 14, 2025
Science rolling chairs negatively affect student learning by creating distractions, according to chemistry student and sophomore Sayed Adil. “Every time I get up and sit down, it moves around,” Adil said. “It's distracting in class whenever we're finished with [a] test. Some people just fidget around with it and make some noises.”
‘Rolling’ into Frustration: Science Classrooms Should Replace Rolling Chairs
Sonia Wang and Senna Kahf | November 18, 2024
California Proposition 2 and 32 are heavily impactful to students both short-term and in the long-run. If passed, these propositions could negatively increase Californians’ tax debts but positively increase minimum wage.
The Pros and Cons of California Proposition 32 and 2
Nicole Lu and Moer Koey | November 5, 2024
As global events continue to unfold, students need to stay informed with facts and be vigilant in guarding against misinformation. “Whatever is happening in Ukraine or in Gaza has an immediate impact on our lives, and it is incredibly important to stay aware about what is going on in the outside world if we want to make a positive change,” Girnita said. “You want to be able to stay informed and contribute to your community in any way you can because the reality is we are not the leaders of tomorrow, we are the leaders of today.”
Students Should Stay Aware of Global Conflicts and Be Wary of Misinformation
Aditi Salunkhe and Moer Koey | October 30, 2024
Football huddles around head football coach Peter Abe and the coaching staff after the CIF State game on Dec. 19, 2024. Soon after, Abe was named Coach of the Year. “I'm just very thankful for the support that I've had with our administration and teaching staff on campus, to our parents, our support staff, our assistant coaches on campus that not only make it look like it's easy for me but help keep myself grounded and humble,” Abe said.
Football Carries Home Two Awards to End Season
Ruhi Samudra and Stephanie Hwang | January 30, 2025
Freshman Akhilesh Kuppili plays chess using, a platform that provides practice through puzzles, matches and videos. “I think playing chess to begin with, not just competitively, is always a skill that can help you in anything,” Kuppili said. “This is always something that will help you with anything, because you’re using your mind on the game.”
Freshman Akhilesh Kuppili ‘Plays’ Chess as a Passion
Mary Lee, Arts & Entertainment Assistant Editor | January 30, 2025
January 2025: Volume 9 Issue 4
January 2025: Volume 9 Issue 4


December 2024: Volume 9 Issue 3
December 2024: Volume 9 Issue 3


November 2024: Volume 9 Issue 2
November 2024: Volume 9 Issue 2


October 2024: Volume 9 Issue 1
October 2024: Volume 9 Issue 1


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The student news site of Portola High School