School Should Not Start Later

Dylan Vanek

School starting later would not be beneficial to the students. One of the biggest complaints from high schoolers these days is that school starts too early, causing students to lose sleep. If school started later, would students go to bed at the same time they do now?                                                    

“Teenagers typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep,” according to a study done by the National Sleep Foundation.

On weekends, most high schoolers tend to stay up very late and sleep until noon the next day. This throws off their biological sleep clock, so when the school week starts their body’s internal clock will disable itself from falling asleep on time.

“Homework, sports, after-school activities and socializing lead to late bedtimes,” according to the Nationwide Children’s Hospital.

The opposition may argue that high school students are not able to achieve the proper amount of sleep every night because school starts too early. In reality, if school started later it would still not solve this problem.

For example, if school started an hour later, then all of the students’ schedules would be pushed back an hour as well. This change would directly affect when sports practices start, as well as when students do homework, eat dinner, shower and go to bed. Therefore, students will get the same amount of sleep per night as before.

“I usually go to bed after midnight every school night,” sophomore Derrick Peng said. “If school started later then I would just stay up later.”

Starting school later would not benefit the students. It gives the students the same amount of sleep no matter what due to state requirements. Starting school later only does one thing: waste daylight.