Finishing off the School Year Fasting

Photo by Maryam Shama

It is a tradition for many families to decorate their homes for Ramadan. Decorations include lanterns, lights, signs stating “Happy Ramadan,” and much more.

Maryam Shama, Editor-In-Chief

Before the crack of dawn on May 6, Muslims worldwide woke up to enjoy an early, protein-filled breakfast in preparation for their first day of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims will abstain from food and water from dawn to sunset daily until sunset on June 4.

As Muslims refrain from food and water throughout the day, it is crucial to fill up on healthy foods and hydrate between sunset and dawn. Muslims wake up for an early meal every day in order to eat breakfast before the day of fasting begins.

Throughout the month, it is common for Muslims to stay up late throughout the night for gatherings and praying, and many often stay up until dawn. However, as Ramadan coincides with the end of the school year, many students participating in the month may feel overwhelmed by school work and feel gypped from the experience.

“Fasting during school is good because it’s a good way to pass time, but I don’t like it because it messes up my sleep schedule,” junior Zaid Khan said. “Ramadan messed up my schedule pretty bad since I have to wake up at sunrise to eat. On the weekends I stay up until that time which is around 4 a.m. and sleep until 1 or 2 p.m., so during the week I am way too tired to wake up for school.”

Beginning the month with AP testing and wrapping it up with finals is definitely a challenge for many as students attempt to balance Ramadan traditions with academics. The shift in sleep schedule is an additional challenge that presents itself throughout the month. Despite the obstacles that come with fasting at school, many students enjoy it, as attending class takes their mind off of their hunger.

“School gets me through the day faster, and most of my friends fast as well, so it’s fun doing it with them. I always try my hardest to persevere through every day,” sophomore Wahida Abrahim said. “Ramadan is always a learning experience, and one of the benefits is you realize how people who are less fortunate than you live their lives on a daily basis. It gives me a new perspective and teaches me to always be grateful for what I have.”

Throughout the month, students such as myself adjust to the shift in schedule. Since I get less sleep in the night than I generally would, I take naps throughout the day, after school to compensate. Additionally, making sure I am busy throughout the day is always helpful in order make time go by quicker and keep my mind off of food.