Student Artists Brush Up For Forthcoming


Jenny Won

Student artists of mixed grade levels meet at Pavilion Park to prepare spirited posters for the boardwalk.

Jenny Won and Jane Zou

Mixing paints and cleaning brushes, student artists are hard at work painting signs for the Forthcoming boardwalk. Beside them, dancers rehearse their numbers to upbeat music. Anyone may contribute, as the purpose of the Forthcoming halftime show is for students to express their spirit and play a part in building Portola’s unique legacy.

“As ASB, we want to encourage participation more,” junior and Hercules house president Kyle Sugita said. “Even if you’re not a painter, even if you’re not a dancer, you can still participate in the halftime show.”

On Sept. 22, students gathered at Pavilion Park to begin work. Dancers rehearsed with their house choreographers, and artists painted posters for the boardwalk. Each poster had slogans poking fun at University High, ranging from “You Wish You Were a Bulldog” to “99 Problems and Uni Ain’t One.”

“It’s a lot of fun when all grades get to come together to work on one project,” sophomore and Orion house vice president Allyson Tabayoyong said.

The Forthcoming football game against University High will occur on Oct. 5. This will be the third year in which the halftime show is a performance from each house, composed of a student-choreographed dance and student-painted backdrops, in a tradition that will hopefully be continued for years to come.

“A lot of people aren’t in art classes, but they’re still interested in art,” junior and art club president Audrey Chiang said. “It’s a good chance to express their ideas.”

Student artists will have another opportunity to express their talents on Sept. 29. Each house will paint three large foam placards to accompany the dancers on the field during the halftime show, integrating a visual element to the performance. Each house’s plaques follow the four themes released during the Welcome Back Assembly: “In the Jungle,” “Out of this World,” “Stuck in the Snow” and “Under the Sea” for Hercules, Poseidon, Orion and Pegasus respectively.

“We’re doing a winter theme,” sophomore and student artist Natalie Yu said. “We’re going to add in polar bears and orcas, Arctic foxes and seals, Aurora Borealis and the Orion constellation.”