Boys’ Lacrosse Succumbs to University High in 5-16 Shocker


Clara Ferreira Lopes

Senior and midfielder Dyaln Quant, along with his teammates, tries to secure possession of the ball for the Bulldogs before sprinting toward the Trojan’s goal.

Boys’ lacrosse (2-4) lost 5-16 to University High on March 23 at home: a game that was intended to be a well-fought win for the team, according to assistant coach Matthew McCarthy. The team defeated Laguna Hills High two days earlier with a blowout score of 23-0.

The team’s next game is on March 30 against the Warriors at Woodbridge High at 3:15 p.m.

The game started with a face-off, with the Trojans scoring the first goal at the 11th minute mark of the first quarter. Throughout the game, both teams continued to score, yet University High maintained its lead. 

Part of the loss was attributed to the team’s inability to communicate on the field, according to midfielder and senior Michael Tashman. The offensive and defensive lines were unable to guard against the Trojans, which, according to Tashman, caused a disparity in the team’s lineup.

“We’re the better team,” Tashman said. “It’s just our mindset made us mentally unfocused, and we got discouraged to stay positive.”

While the Bulldogs were able to score goals against University High, they were more outspread during the game. In contrast, University High consistently scored at least three to four goals each quarter by making quick shots at the goal, while the Bulldogs made several passes before managing to score at least one goal in 15 minutes. 

The teammates needed to motivate themselves and strive harder, according to McCarthy, by increasing communication on the field. 

“The Trojans know their roles, and it’s a lot of guys who really want to step up and take that spot, really want to go to the goal and all those things,” McCarthy, who coached at University High last year, said. “At Portola, everyone doesn’t push themselves as hard to try to be the star of the team, and there’s like guys that are okay with not being ‘the guy.’”

Many of the players were not following through with their defensive measures in the game and failed to defend the goalie, putting more pressure on the offense to overcome a large deficit, according to McCarthy. During the game, it was clear that University High was not handing goals to Portola High due to their strong defensive line, according to offensive winger and senior Ian Bosek. 

“Good offense beats good defense,” Bosek said. “I noticed for the defense that some people would slide early and were not matching the pace of University. I’m to blame for this as well because I slid early once.”

Despite the loss, the team is hopeful that they can get back on track in time for their next matchup. The players plan to work more on their defense, slides, offense and formations, according to Bosek and Tashman, who said that Tashman is specifically going to work on his face-offs.

“I definitely think now we have realized that we are our own worst enemy,” Bosek said. “If we don’t cheer on our teammates and get ready for what’s about to come, it is ultimately going to be our downfall.”