Girls’ Golf Extends its Victory Streak

Photo Courtesy of Wind Ralston

Katherine Liang and Victoria Zhao pose with two golfers from El Toro High after the match.

Oct. 4 was the last match of the first season for girls’ golf who finished undefeated 8-0. The girls won the match (197-225) against El Toro High.

“I feel like they really came together. A lot of girls I see them hanging out during lunch,” coach Wind Ralston said. “It’s like they formed friendships playing on the team… golf is fun and it’s about competing but also about making friends, and it looks like a lot of the girls are doing well this year.”

The girls have played eight matches over the course of eight weeks.

“This is my first year of golf at Portola High School; it was a great experience to be on a team and compete with other high schools,” freshman Victoria Zhao said. “During this season, I improved my score after each round, and I learned more golf techniques from the coach and my teammates. I enjoy the time with my teammates, and I hope I can be on the team next year.”

 Ralston also expressed his excitement toward next year.

 “Next year, I expect us to be a lot better. We will be in the league, so we will be competing against better teams, so it’s going to be a different year.” Ralston said. “This year we played against teams that maybe weren’t as good as us or play as well as us, and we beat them. But next year we’re going to play against the big leagues. We are playing varsity teams like Uni [High] varsity team, so hopefully the girls will practice, and we will hopefully get some new girls in as freshmen.”

All in all, the first season was very successful. The girls were able to reflect on how they grew and improved by finishing their season with a victory.

“It was very exciting and fast. It’s the last game of the season; we had a lot of fun, went through different courses and met a lot of friends during matches. The season overall is happy and fun,” freshman Mary Xiang said.