The Life of AP Linville


Lauren Kettner

Kris Linville smiles with Buster the Bulldog in the front office.

Lauren Kettner, Staff Writer

Portola High’s newest Assistant Principal is active and showing his willingness to coexist with the students during the school days. He organizes events and loves being with the students and staff every day.

Linville starts his mornings with coffee, which he finds essential to start a productive day.

“I have no mornings where I skip coffee,” Linville said.

After arriving on campus, Linville writes a list of events and others tasks needing to be done.

“As techie as I am, I have a notepad, and there is something to having a bulleted list…To me physically, that’s important,” Linville said.

Before coming to Portola, Linville worked at the district office for multiple years. Although the jobs at the district are important for the schools, he enjoys being on site.

“Right now, my advisement class is my favorite part of the school day,” Linville said. “As someone who was a teacher before, that is the thing I miss the most.”

Human interaction is important to one’s day, and Linville finds it important to show interest in all of the students.

“To me, it’s about a student being seen,” Linville said. “I would love to be able to say ‘hi,’ and then the student’s name when I see them.”

Linville said he is impressed with the expectation of classes when administration walks in, especially being able to go into a classroom and know what is happening.

“I love the idea of the watchdog who comes up and says ‘here’s what we’re learning today’ and then they sit back down,” Linville said. He believes the small addition to all classroom visitors sets Portola High apart from other locations.

He finds it important to talk to the night custodians and the clerks.

“If I see people [at Portola] when I’m still here, I acknowledge them and say ‘hi.’ To me, it’s just engaging with the staff here,” Linville said.

When sporting events are hosted, Linville tries to view every game. He said he is excited for the soccer season because Linville and his family actively watches it.

“I’m a big Premier League [fan]. I watch Manchester City [F.C.],” Linville said.

Linville dedicates his evenings to having fun with his family.

“To me I hope they look at me beyond being discipline. I hope they see me as someone who is part of the site leadership and who is helping out on the campus and once again, as a person.”