Celebrating the Fine and Performing Arts Programs


Ajinkya Rane

Mr. Stevens conducts his String Orchestra as they perform at the Fine Arts Assembly.

Ajinkya Rane, Co Editor-in-Chief


The inaugural Fine Arts Week occurred March 13-17. The celebratory event was organized by fine arts commissioners Nicholas Hung and Paris Zhuang, and displayed the various fine arts capabilities on campus.

“[The purpose of Fine Arts Week] is to showcase our school’s fine arts capability as a whole VAPA department…[VAPA] stands for Visual and Performing Arts,” Hung said.

Throughout the week, ASB used the student union to house a gallery of pieces from yearbook students, art club and photography club. The featured art included landscape photography, abstract paintings, and photoshopped graphics featuring Portola staff.

“I think Fine Arts Week really allows us to show how creative the student body really is, and how multi-talented some individuals are,” Zhuang said.

The week included performances from string orchestra, jazz band and dance team. It culminated with a grand performance from the programs above and the choir at the first fine and performing arts assembly.

“I think [Fine Arts] allow me to express my feelings about art and relax while entertaining an audience,” choir student and freshman Mihika Nerurkar said.

The mini-concerts took place at the outside theater, and the events faced minor setbacks with their speaker systems. ASB also wants to plan larger events as the student body grows in size over the years.

“I think in the future there will be a Fine Arts Gala, and I hope that our Fine Arts programs will be even more populated by then,” Hung said.