“Quarantine Shaming” Needs to Stop
Lauren Hsu and Celine Lee
| May 29, 2020

The Iris Episode 2: The Reign of King COVID the 19th
Ajinkya Rane and Jordan Lee
| May 28, 2020

Students Become their Own Quarantine Hairstylists
Kelthie Truong, Back Page Editor
| May 26, 2020
How to Return Materials on Textbook Return Day
Jaein Kim
| May 23, 2020

Hope Squad Supports Students Virtually In Midst of Pandemic
Bia Shok, Staff Writer
| May 21, 2020

Healthcare and Voting Advocacy are Crucial to a Presidential Victory
Ajinkya Rane, Co-Managing Editor
| May 21, 2020

Stay-at-Home Protests Inspire Economic and Social Resurgence within California, Starting with OC Beaches
Ryne Dunman, Contributing Writer
| May 20, 2020

Why the Coronavirus has Helped the Environment
Aadi Mehta, Contributing Writer
| May 20, 2020

Governor Announces Modifications to Gradually Reopen
Bia Shok, Staff Writer
| May 19, 2020

Stop Deaths Caused by America’s Healthcare System
Bia Shok, Staff Writer
| May 14, 2020